Monday, July 25, 2011

Lost in a sea of estrogen

I've never really given tons of thought into my poor hubby's situation. Sure sure, I've joked about him being the only male in the house, even the dog is a girl, but I've never stopped to consider how tough that could be. He's between a rock & well, estrogen. The poor bloke is out numbered 5-1.....

I guess it's really amazing for him to take it in stride. When someone says, "you poor poor soul", he smiles & says he doesn't mind. Today, however, he cracked.

We loaded the girls up early this morning & headed to the library. The girls used to love to pick out books but the last few times they've been more interested in the pillows & dolls. While I was dropping off our previous checkouts & picking up the last 2 books of the Harry Potter series, I heard RD exclaim, "There's a cat!!"

I thought she was joking, of course, but I wandered over after the third attempt to tell me about the cat. I peered out the window, toward the courtyard, & seen the tiniest little kitten. It's cute little face was peering up at us. The girls were in LOVE! I have to say, my first reaction was, "Awe, she's homeless. Let's take her home." And NO! I did not say that out loud. The girls would have agreed in a heartbeat. But I'm pretty sure our pooch would have objected the minute we walked in the door.

At this point, one of the staff members came to the window. It was pretty hard ignoring the girls excited cries. The maintenance team came down & brought the kitten in. "Cali" (the name RD gave little mr/miss kitten), was scared to death. The poor thing. RD still insisted we were taking "Cali" home. It was hard explaining why we couldn't. Finally we diverted her attention by heading upstairs to get Zuthura, while talking about how we may get a cat once our dog kicks the bucket. Bit morbid, eh?

As we're loading onto the elevator, my hubby, a dog lover & cat hater says, through a part-laugh-part-boohoo voice, "I never knew it was going to be like this. If you'd have told me 10 years ago, I'd be surrounded by girls, unicorns & kittens, I'd of thought you were crazy." All I could do was laugh & he joined me. We know he loves us but I'm sure it's tough some most days.....

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