Saturday, October 29, 2011

Flower Headband Tutorial

Here's a fun & easy headband tutorial. I made these up for the girls' fall photos. Enjoy!!

Things you'll need:
Hot glue gun
Cheap fake flower bouquet
Alligator clips
Different style hairbands (elastic & cloth)

Start out by cutting a piece of felt into a circle. I used the bottom of a small cup for my template.

Pull one flower off the bouquet & disassemble it.

Here's the flower all disassembled.

Next, start hot gluing the flower back together, starting from biggest to smallest.

Flower all glued.

Now you'll dab a small amount of glue onto the piece of felt & attach your flower.

At this point, you can add your flower to anything you'd like. Like a cloth headband.

Or an alligator clip.

Or a basic headband. If you choose this style, cut a 2nd piece of felt & glue it over the headband. This gives it a more finished look.

And lastly, an elastic headband. Again, make sure to complete the look w/a 2nd piece of felt.

I also did a two flower headband. For this, I cut a rectangle piece of felt.

Made 2 flowers.

Glued them to the felt & added an elastic band. DON'T forget your 2nd piece of felt, like I did here!! See how unfinished that looks?!?!

Here's a bonus, the girls sporting their bows :)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Our address is what?

A few months back we cancelled our DISH services. Upon doing that, we had to send back all of our equipment. They send us the boxes, we send it back. Since I don't wanna bore you with all the details, long story short, the first set of boxes they mailed to our old house. We had been living at our new for over a year & they had been sending the bill here. I don't know what the deal was. How can they have the wrong address??

Fast forward to last night. My darling hubby has been hard at work painting the foundation & trim work on the outside of our home. He's close to the finish, with only the front porch area to go. He swung out by our local home stores after work yesterday. He was in the market for more paint, brass address numbers, & a brass mailbox. He has a vision.

At the first of the three home stores, he grabbed his paint & address numbers, but had no luck with the mailbox. He headed to the second & third only to be crushed. No mailboxes there either. When he came home he showed me the numbers & was toying with the idea of returning them. Why? He liked the looks of some others at the second & third home store better. Deep sigh.

I go on with making supper and he's still contemplating. He heads outside, with numbers in hand, to do a quick look see. And he's right back in, laughing. "You're never gonna believe this," he says.

I think I have a pretty good idea........

He begins to lay out all the numbers on the counter. Yes folks, he got our old address numbers!! Um, how long have we been here now? Almost TWO years. Count them. TWO years. How is the stinking DISH company supposed to keep up if my DH can't?

No need to worry, this post isn't gonna cause any hard feelings or fights. We actually had quite the laugh & he's well prepared, knowing this is going up :)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Christian Pumpkin

It's that time of year again. All the leaves are turning color & falling. Our days are cooler, for the most part, & shorter. Halloween is right around the corner. Time for apple festivals, hay rack rides, & cider. My favorite time of year!! It's also pumpkin carving time! Today, I want to share a little prayer with you. One you can do with your children, a tradition you could start, while carving pumpkins.

I had never heard of this prayer but a friend shared it with me and I want to do the same. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Now I'm really looking forward to carving ours & roasting seeds this year!!

A Christian Pumpkin

Lord, open my mind so that I can learn new things about you. (cut the top of the pumpkin)

Remove the things in my life that don't please you. (scoop out the insides)

Forgive the wrong things I do and help me to forgive others. (can talk about taking the "junk" and making something good from it -pie, roasted seeds, whatever you do w/ the insides of your pumpkins - or do nothing with this line)

Open my eyes to see the beauty you've made in the world around me. (carve the eyes)

I'm sorry for the times I've turned my nose up at the good food you provide. (carve the nose)

Let everything I say please You. (carve the mouth)

Lord, help me show your light to others through the things I do. (light the pumpkin)


I did not write this prayer. I am only sharing it for educational purposes. Enjoy!!