After the hectic trip down here, we were thinking it might be best to hang close to the hotel. Lucky for us, there are a couple eateries w/in walking distance. One actually sits about 50 feet or so from the front of our hotel. SUHWEET! It's called Highlander Pub & Grill. They describe themselves as "A Celtic gathering place for the athletic & not so athletic." I fall on the latter side. The food was super yummy!
After we ate we came back to the room for a bit & then got ready for a swim. The pool was packed but the water was perfect. The girls had a blast & when it was time to head back up to the room we couldn't get RD out of the pool. She developed some sort of hearing problem. At least that's what I assume since every time I said it was time to get out, she "swam" away from me without acknowledging me. Daddy finally had to pull her up out of the pool. She stuck her tongue out at everyone & kicked the whole way up to the room. I know everyone thought she was an angel. We did too.
Once we were back up in the room I got the girls a bath. We were about an hour behind our normal bedtime schedule & the girls were exhausted. Gala could no longer control her crying & just wanted someone to lay down with her. HC was ready for her bottle & RD just wanted our dog, Sassy. Finally we all got settled, totally forgetting about brushing teeth or bedtime stories. RD had a sippy of milk & every time she stopped drinking, she started bawling. See, her sippy was making a funny sssssss sound & she said it was saying Saaasssssssy. She said, "I can't quit thinking about her because my cup keeps reminding me!!" That girl is a scream!!!
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