Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Turkey Pops

I've got another tutorial for ya's today! You aren't tired of them are you? I hope not, because we've been having lots of fun!!

Seeing as it is the end of the month, which means the end of fall (to me that is), I wanted to make some turkeys for RD's class snack. I really didn't know, for sure, what I was making until I seen these cuties in one of my many magazines. I was a bit nervous making them too. I have never made rice krispie treats before. I know, amazing!!
Turkey Pops

Let's see, what do you need?

Ingredients to make your favorite rice krispies
Candy corn
Chocolate chips, baking chocolate, OR candy melts
Lollipop sticks OR popsicle sticks
Small white candies
Cookie sheet lined with wax paper

And what I've discovered I need is a professional photographer to take my shots! Man, my photography skills are lacking!! I need a photographer to work for free & be here at my every whim stitch. Is that asking too much? OR maybe I need a photography class or new camera? Better yet, I should do both!! On with the show........

I was super worried about the rice krispies cooling before I could get them rolled, but it went really smooth!To make things easier on myself, I got all my stuff laid out ahead of time. This way, I wasn't scrambling to get, say wax paper, when it was go time. 
Once you get your batch of rice krispies ready, use a quarter cup measuring cup to scoop out equal amounts of mixture. Lay on wax paper. Make sure to spray your measuring cup with cooking spray. After it's all divided, you'll roll them into balls. Again, make sure your hands are coated with cook spray. Then insert your stick of choice.

Now is the time to fire up your chocolate melter. You can also melt them in the microwave or your double broiler. I have finally learned the secret to perfect chocolate dipping. Add oil. Who knew?
This particular chocolate, I used, already had oiled added (it is made for a chocolate fountain). But, the recipe called for 1 tablespoon of oil. You can find the recipe by going here.

I also got all my candy corn (noses & feathers) & white candies (eyes) counted out ahead of time.
Once your chocolate is melted, you'll dip your pop, half way, into the mix. Tap off excess chocolate & let it set up a few seconds before adding your "eyes". Once the pop has cooled completely, you can add your "nose" & "feathers". Dip the tip, of each candy corn, into the melted chocolate & then attach to your pop.

When you're done, you'll end up with a blurry little guy like this. OK, so he won't look blurry to you. This is my photography skills at their finest!!

And here are half our turkeys waiting to be munched!! I hope you guys enjoyed this!!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Milk Paint

It's official. I've joined the "in crowd" & signed up for Pinterest. I don't regret it at all!! Oh the things you'll find! Today, we actually got a chance to do a pin. What I love about this particular pin is, I had all the supplies on hand. No running to the store or extra money spent, equals one happy momma!! I hope y'all enjoy it as much as we did!!

Milk Paint

What you'll need: milk, tupperware lids, toothpicks, dish soap, & food coloring.

Simply pour milk into tupperware dish, making sure to cover bottom. Drop in a few drops of various food colors.

Dip your toothpick into the dish soap & then into the food color droplet. Then watch the action!! The dish soap repels the food color. It's Amazing!!

This was the neatest one I caught!! The pin was titled "Magic Milk Paint" & let me tell you, it is!!

And this was my favorite color mix. I don't know who's more excited to try this again, me or the girls!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Two Terrific Tips

I seen the coolest tip on one of the hair blogs I follow. However, I feel it may have been missing a second tip. Maybe not quite as cool and awesome, but a second tip none the less. And if I may add, a very important one.

OK, so moving on to the tip. If you are a non-makeup wearing lady, like myself, this tip will be helpful, new, & exciting for you. Well, I guess I do apply makeup, on occasion, but very little. I'm sure I never picked up the "makeup habit", because my mom didn't didn't wear makeup. Which means, no one to show me. I've found myself stalking a few vlogs to learn how to apply makeup. Gotta love the Internet!!

Did I go slightly astray again? Sorry about that. So, my hair blog lady was talking about how jealous she is of her DD's eyelashes. How full and long they are. How she wishes she had them. Anyone else ever feel like that? I know I have. The 3 apples have the most beautiful eyelashes I've ever laid eye on! Seriously, don't dispute it, because it's a fact.

Here's the trick she let us in on. Heat your eyelash curler up before you curl your eyelashes. Use hot water OR your blow dryer as your heat. And voila! Beautiful eyelashes. Two days ago, I put this little tip into action. I chose the blow dryer method. ONLY because I couldn't understand the water concept. Um, so how does a wet eyelash curler work exactly?? My DH suggested blotting it dry after. D'oh, why didn't I think of that? Oh, right because I'm no good with makeup (and if "no good" is improper English, you can go ahead & put it right in your dictionary).

All this leads me right up to my second tip. If you'll remember, this is the important one. DO NOT heat your curler up, so much, as to burn your freaking eyelid off. Mmmmm, K???? Seriously, not good. I am still in shock that I walked away WITHOUT blisters.

And for those of you still wondering, YES the tip works. I had nice full and thick lashes for the day.