Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Music makes the world go round

I love that I have an appreciation for all types of music, with a few exceptions. I do not like bands that scream. You know the ones I'm talking about. Sounds like they are literally just screaming into the mic. Gives me an instant migraine. I can remember back in the day* I'd be good listening to that sorta thing, say at a party, but today, No Way. Maybe that's just the mom in me, the adult in me, or that I've just become an old fogy. Oh well, whatever it is, I just can't listen to it. However, not that you care, I'm good with you listening to it. I know, I know that was relief to hear, huh?

I can remember the first song that turned me onto classical music. I believe I was in the 7th grade or close to it. My music teacher played "Air" by Johann Sebastian Bach. I remember I made my mom take me to the library to get the record. LOL the record. Am I showing my age? Once upon a time, that is all my mom had in the house. A record player & tons of 45's. Maybe I'm showing her age....anyway.....We were cool!!! I loved dancing around to songs with my mom & sister. Those were the days.

So back to Bach's "Air"....

You know what just dawned on me as I was sitting listening to "Air" today? When my oldest was a baby, she had a pack n play that came with a little music player. You know, the ones that hang on the side of the crib? It played this song. I used to play it over n over for her at night when she was just a few weeks old. Love this song....so thankful to my teacher for sharing....here's a clip for you as today's song post....

*back in the day. That was for you DH, I know how much you love when I say it....

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