I'm Karla & the author of this blog. I have a rather ordinary life but what I do have is LOVE & many blessings.....
I have amazing parents that taught me everything I needed to fly.
I met & married the love of my life, Michael. Without him nothing would seem possible.
I carried & birthed 3 healthy & beautiful girls. Don't get me wrong, none of my pregnancies were easy. From
I get to do what most moms dream of, stay home. OK, OK, it isn't all it's cracked up to be, it isn't the rosy picture I painted in my head, & it sure the heck isn't all fun & playtime everyday.
Is my life always easy? No, but what more can a girl ask for?
Oh yeah, incase this blog ever takes off (IE not a family or friend humoring me) remember those 3 beauties I was talking about? Well they will be known as Red Delicious (RD), Gala, & Honey Crisp (HC). That's in order of birth too ;) Gotta protect their identities.