Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Shows, whether it be TV or movie, wouldn't be anywhere close to good without their music. I think the music that is picked for a show can make or break it. I, for one, pay close attention to the music a show brings to the table. If it moves me, I love to look it up at a later date. You ever do that?

How many of you here got wrapped up in the TV series Lost? I never watched a single show. That is until recently, when the show was no longer on. I was looking for something to stream on Netflix & after hearing all the reviews, decided on it. I was hooked from the first show & my hubby jumped on the ban wagon a few days later. I got to the point that I had to know what was going to happen next. OMGosh. I spent some time on those shows, let me tell ya. And I'm not alone. This show has a following similar to, dare I say, Star Trek?

For me, hands down, this was the most well written, intriguing, & unique shows out there. The music was no different. The show would have failed without Michael Giacchino's work. This show made me look at religion. I searched bible passages & reflected. One minute I was on the edge of my seat then balling my butt off. Laughing then crying, again. Then saying What?! No?! Call me crazy, but I was left feeling, Lost, when I was done watching the last episode. I wanted more. But every good thing comes to an end. And this series ended beautifully. I honestly don't know if they will ever be able to outdo this show.

Today's song post is from Lost ...I picked two. They are similar, yet different. Very moving pieces of music.....LOVE.....

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