Sunday, May 15, 2011

Love & music through the ages

Who here likes reality TV? How about analyzing someone else's life so that you don't have to focus so much on your own? Well this is the place for you. If you're not into that sorta thing this might still be the place for you....

I have decided to bore you to tears with a few of my love stories & the music that got me through. I have to say, I'm a little apprehensive about doing these few posts. Yes, I think there be a few. I just don't know how well received they'll be or how many judges & executioners I'll have after. However, I feel my stories aren't that much different than many of those out there & someone will relate or maybe one of my stories will help someone pull through.

Today is Day 2 for my 30 day challenge. According to said "rules" I should be posting my least favorite song. I don't get that one. Does that mean it should be a song I hate or just the song at the bottom of the list of my favorites? Hmmmm, confusing much? Maybe I over think things. Eh, I choose to skip this one & that's my right. If you remember, I said I'd use the rules as guidelines & I already admitted defeat the minute I checked out the rules.

Way back when, when I was a kid. A teenager to be exact, I thought I knew it all. I have defining moments in my "love" life that have molded me to who I am today. I've often wondered if I'd do it differently. Don't we all ask that same question? All the pain & heartache gone if we could just change one thing. Would you? Change one thing that is? For me, that is an easy No. No for one reason & one reason only. I would never appreciate my husband like I do. I had to take that road to see him for who he is & let me tell ya, I'm one lucky blessed girl.....

I never experienced my first kiss till I was 15. Can we say nervous?!?! I could tell you who, when, where, & how it happened. In a teens life that has to be a major defining moment. Especially to a young girl. I'm not so sure the boys "think" too much on these things. Needless to say, I didn't take it lightly. I needed it to be special. Does that sound crazy by "today's standards"? It's was just a kiss after all. The next choice beyond that moment wasn't taken lightly either. It came months later. I'm sure you know the moment I'm referring to. I was sure it was love. I'm sure to this day it was love & I don't regret my decision. I spent just shy of 3 years with my high school sweetheart & a brief "retry" a few months after the breakup & I don't regret a thing. However, the time in my life after those years, well I used to think I'd redo in heartbeat. The pain caused by that break up was heart wrenching. It wasn't just the breakup, but the words his mother spoke to me near the end of our time together. She felt I was the cause of all his pain. I was floored & I never spoke with him after the night of her phone call. I felt broken & lost. I headed down a path of self destruction & at the time I didn't care who thought ill of me. I'm sure deep down I cared but that part of my self, I kept that buried. I had a few more major defining moments, a few mini sessions, & a few speedsters. That's how I'll look at them anyway, but all these moments shaped me.....

I've spent a few days compiling a list of my favorite songs. Something I've always done, as I'm sure many do, is relate a song to a period in my life. That's what is so cool about the 30 day challenge. It gives you a chance to reflect on the past. I found it odd that sifting through all these songs, I found not one single sad song that reminded me of my first love. Not one. Instead I was reminded of one upbeat happy sorta song. A song I played for my high school sweetheart during that short lived romance. As I sat & listened to it, it brought a smile to my face. I realized that at that moment in time every word of that song rang true & I never thought that would ever change. Oh, silly little teenage girl, you didn't know what God had in store for you!!

So, here's my song of the day. I hope you enjoy it. I know there is one person that will because she is Mariah's #1 fan. :)

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