Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Is there a "Perfect Mom"?

A month back I was reading a post by a fellow friend & blogger. She was talking about her not so grand mothering days. She refers to them as you need a hand figuring out what it stands for? Head on over to her blog & check it out

We've all had them. Well, except me I AM the Perfect Mom....*maniacal laughter*

On the day I read her blog I just knew I'd had about a million of these. Even in my short 44 months & 3 days of mothering I had definitely had these days. I'm pretty sure I had them about 10 minutes into my motherhood. Crazy enough though, NOTHING came to mind. However, it didn't stop me from  ROFLMAO at the expense of her & the other commenters. I 'm so lame, all I could comment was...I'll have to get back to you. B O R I N G!!

So I kept an eye out for my Stellar Mom days.

Have I lost my touch? Do I only have two to share? Oh well, you get what you get people.

So about a week ago, I decided to introduce some cereal to HC.

Yes, we are way past the 4 month mark AND yes, we are just starting.....OK...moving on.....

After we ate supper, I fixed a small bowl of this gooey, tasteless crap & sat down in front of HC, who's eager to chomp my hand off. I put the smallest amount on the spoon and shovel it in. Wide & delighted eyes stare back at me. She seems to be asking "What's this?" Kicking of the feet & an eager grin appears.

OH good! She wants to try more. In goes the next bite.

Frown. Gag. That wasn't the same thing!! Where's the good stuff?

Laughter from me. In comes Gala...."BITE!" "BITE!"

OK, but it's not as good as you think. Look at sissy's face....

In goes this spoon full of "food". Gala gags, I erupt in laughter then turn back to HC. Another gag across the room from Gala. More laughter. Another gag, harder laughter. OH CRAP!! There's her supper on the floor!!! Instant MOTY award for me!!!

My hubby asks if in hind sight that wasn't such a good idea. How the heck did I know she'd puke? He reminds me who her Dad is....Oh yeah, weakest stomach in the world. That you can take to the bank. He's got that award & no one can take it from him except maybe our girls.

The other occasion is too embarrassing to go into detail, but just know it wasn't pretty. Although I have been learning to keep the peace from my RCIA classes, apparently my training went out the window last night. I was trying to get acquainted with my sewing machine when my "angel" RD decided she needed MORE Mommy time. I tried the patient act for a few minutes, but sadly I snapped in the end. Sewing machine got put away, RD got a sippy of milk, & the dishes got done. I tend to clean when I'm super irritated. Guess that's a plus. A tornado blew through again.

1 comment:

  1. lol... i've got some more and after this power potty training weekend, i'm gonna be a fully loaded moty.
