Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I won't, but I do.....

Couple quick announcements first.......In case you missed it, there is a contest here for details. Also, my darling Gala was chosen by Parents Magazine for a photo contest. If you could, please take a moment and VOTE HERE. You can vote everyday. There's no registration, just click, type, click....THANKS!! 

There are things in life you don't understand until you become a parent. You think you know. You don't. As a naive childfree person, I often criticized parents. Oh how many times I commented, "My kid will NEVER do that!" I thought I'd issue a spanking & be firm. That's all I had to do, right? I'm here to tell you it's not & they do everything I said they wouldn't. Here's just a short list:

My kid will never.......

Drink milk all day & eat nothing.

Eat fast food.

Drink soda.

Drink coffee.

Throw a tantrum in front of others.

Watch TV all day.

Watch SpongeBob.

Run around naked.

Make a mess & not pick it up.

Jump on the furniture or bed.

I'll never......

Let my kid say "Mom" more than once without replying.

Dress frumpy so they look cute OR leave the house looking that way.

Yell when I lose my patience.....I think I actually thought I'd never lose my patience.

Let them sleep w/me.

Have to count to ten because I might explode.

Wean my child from breastfeeding prematurely.

I'm sure my lists could go on. The point is, I said I'd never but it doesn't make me a bad parent because I do. It makes me more sane. If you're a parent you'll understand that.

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