Are you the type of person to get stoked about things? Or are you just ho hum on everything? Maybe you fall in between. I tend to fall in the first category. My only downfall is I tend to lose the enthusiasm shortly after. Could something be wrong with me? Why do I do this? I had an ex tell me that I was like a bird. I never fully have my feet planted on the ground. At the time it really upset me, but I think he's right. I often wonder if it's because I lose interest or because I knit pick myself till the death (I'm one of those perfectionists). Last night I sat & thought about my topic for today. I realized that right now this blog is lacking in direction. Most blogs I follow have a set theme. Hair, weight loss, movie or music reviews...You get the idea. So what is my blogs "theme"? Do I even have one? My answer was No. Deep sigh. Maybe I shouldn't even bother blogging. BUT I'm so tired of getting a fire inside me & watching it fizzle just as fast as it came. I don't know where this blog is going to lead or if it'll ever have a theme, but I'm gonna do it.
I want my first topic to do 3 things: 1. Grab your attention, so you'll want to read the next post 2. Make you ponder or evaluate your beliefs & 3. Make you join in the conversation. I don't want to be the only one "talking". I do enough of that all day. I created a list, in no certain order, of topics I'd like to discuss. Some things really controversial, others not so much if at all. Again, NO one way street. What topics do you want to discuss? Make sure to email me. I also want to point out something we all already know. Not all of us are going to see a topic the same way so be considerate of one another. Keep an open mind too, you might just see it in a whole new light. As one of my teachers just recently stated "If we could all just accept one another for our differences, what would the world be like?"
For the #1 reason listed above, I chose Abortion as my first pick. This is a super controversial topic & the vast majority of you have to have an opinion on it. Maybe you are 100% for or against it. Maybe you linger in the middle or lean more toward for than against. I want to hear your take on it & why you feel this way. Are your beliefs on Abortion based by morals, religion, parents, etc....
So where do I stand? I lean toward against. Not 100%. Let me explain. If you have a person getting an abortion for the mere fact that they slept around and got pregnant, well I feel that's wrong. What if she was raped? Should she be expected to carry this child to term & keep or choose adoption. Not only was she violated but now she has to endure this? What if the pregnancy is going to cause her to lose her life due to a complication? Should she choose death or her child's life? Or is this the time where you put your faith in God? After all, we've been taught, God has a plan for everything & He'll never give us more than we can handle. I takes a lot to put your full faith in Him doesn't it? I know it is does me......I'm hoping to grow from here.
Personally, I couldn't have one. Having said that I know there are always circumstances that one may not forsee. I also think that it should be our choice. I do not think that anyone should choose abortion as a form of birth control. But what does that mean? Some religions do not believe in the pill or using condemns. What is right? I think it comes down to morals. Yes,I do think that we should put our faith in God. That doesnt mean that if I became pregnant and found that it would take my life, I wouldnt consider abortion. What my choice would be would be depend soley upon the conditions. Just because I do not want to be pregnant? Never. I think that should be illegal. Oh, I sound kind of wishy washy. I am pro-choice because the circumstances can vary for anyone, but using it just because you made a bad decision seems very immoral to me. Also, on the threat of life- in today's world, technology is so advanced, they can take the baby c-section fairly early and the baby is usually ok. I think a good reason for abortion is slim to almost none. However I still believe in freedom of choice. But then we get in to the babies rights and what choice does it have? Its a rough subject, and I do not think there is one good answer.
ReplyDeleteI am 100% against, in any situation. I do not believe that we have the right to decide whether a child lives or die. In the case of rape or incest - that is an absolutely horrendous situation, but to kill the child for the sin of the father is to compound the evil. If the mothers life is endangered - I speak this from my own perspective, btw - who am I to say my life is more important than my childs? Personally, that's God's call. If he takes us both, then we go Home together. If he takes one or the other, then one will wait to rejoin the other. Again, just my beliefs. Then again, I'm probably the most conservative Christian Republican you'll ever meet :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for your opinion ladies! I love seeing how everyone else sees it. Honestly, I don't think in ANY situation it is right. I think that's where I was going with the "put your full faith in God". As hard as that may be....
ReplyDelete100% for. I'm not sure I could actually do it if it came to that but the fact that it's MY CHOICE is why I'm for. and since we are on a controversial issue... I personally can't pull the God card on this. It's just my opinion and not at all meant to offend. I grew up catholic so I'm fully aware of religion stance on this and maybe that's where I have the problem. I have open ears and mind just serious doubts. That's all.