Wednesday, August 31, 2011

AJB2Me Smoothie #4

It's time for another tasty tale----or something like that......

This smoothie is just OK, in my opinion. It's got the whole pina colada feel going on, but just falls short of a true colada's greatness. Maybe it's the fact I choose the frozen fruit route instead of the fresh option? Frozen tends to lose flavor, don't you think? Don't get me wrong, I still like it. It's just not one I'll jump up and down over, but don't take my word for it.....YOU TASTE IT!

"Get-Glowing Smoothie"

Two tablespoons unsweetened coconut milk
One cup almond milk
Half cup pineapple
Half cup mango
Half cup ice

1~2~3 BLEND!!!

According to the magazine, this smoothie "contains vitamins A, B, C, E and the enzyme bromelain to soothe internal inflammation--a hidden condition linked to weight gain." They go on to say, "it fights wrinkles, puffiness, even teenage acne!" It's like a double bonus, get rid of inflammation and gain beautiful skin. Who doesn't want that?!

That's four smoothies down, one to go! Has anyone tried one of the smoothies? If so, don't forget to leave your comments here OR on the Facebook fanpage! I'd love to hear your thoughts!!

These smoothies and some of the ideas are taken from the August 2011 "Woman's World" magazine. I do not own the rights to them. I am only re-printing the smoothies and some of the ideas for educational purposes.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sisterly Love

I've heard that children don't have the ability to show empathy until around age 5. With all the fighting and bickering between the girls, that day won't come fast enough. That was, until yesterday. After all the waiting, RD wore her heart on her sleeve.

I always take the girls down to the basement while doing laundry. They have set limits where they can play. Obviously, like most kids, they break the limits. They say it only takes a split second for something to happen and I believe it, because that's all it took for Gala to go from a very happy camper to a crying mess.

At first, I thought RD had just dished out another one of her "fair punishments". She takes the role of "parent" whenever she sees fit and Gala has taken on the role of "victim" quite nicely. It's goes like this: Gala does something RD deems "bad" and then punishes Gala, by either yelling or hitting. Gala then lets out a blood curdling scream and starts in with sobbing words I can't make out.

So here I am in this situation for the millionth time of the day. I do my usual "What's going on?" routine. But instead RD is freaked out. She can barely say anything so I know it's bad. I get over to Gala and see her finger is bleeding. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?

I rush up the stairs with Gala screaming, "It's bleeding!" and RD bawling her butt off. I'm pretty sure at this point Gala has lost part of her finger. I plop her down on the counter and starting running water over her finger so I can see the damage. It's a small cut. GEEZ!

Calmly, I try to reassure Gala she'll be fine but RD is still losing it. She's screaming and crying "Gala!! Gala! your finger! oh you're bleeding! It's cut off! You're BLEEDING!"

RD was not helping the situation. Luckily Daddy was home and I could send RD on a mission to get Daddy. Bless his poor heart. He thought someone was dying too. It was not my intention to frighten him but to get RD away from Gala. And once Daddy came in and seen all was fine, he took on the daunting task of calming RD. She was a mess. I swear you'd have thought she was the one who got hurt. It was nice though, to see her actually worried about her sister. Just one more "badge" to add to her milestones reached.

Monday, August 29, 2011

AJB2Me Smoothie #2 & 3

Yes, you read that right, I'm "feeding" you two recipes today! Why? Because I can't decide which one of these I like better. For me, they both rank #2 of the 5.

First up is the "Get-Lean Green Smoothie". You can have a full serving of this tasty treat for a snack OR enjoy it as a meal. (Remember if you choose it for a meal, make sure to have one stick of string cheese AND 5 whole-grain crackers). There's nothing I don't like about this smoothie but I have found it needs to be fully blended for the flavors to come through. Don't let the name or color fool you! It's an all around perfect blend of fruits! This is a favorite of mine and I tend to have it for dinner.

"Get-Lean Green Smoothie"

Two-thirds cups ice
Three tablespoons cold water
Handful spinach leaves
One-third cup cooked kale
Three orange slices
One-third cup green grapes
Half peeled pear
Half small banana
Three-fourths teaspoon chia seeds

1~2~3 BLEND!!!

The first few times I shopped for these ingredients, my store was always out of kale, so I added extra spinach in it's place. I've yet to try it with the kale, which means I can't attest to the tastiness of the smoothie made to directions. According to the magazine, this smoothie was created by the Cleveland Clinic and is a "low-cal blend---high in filling fiber---and included in Dr. Oz's new book, as one of his favorite recipes for dieters." They also say, "Chia seeds boast omega-3s that can help restore energy levels."

Next up is the "Smartypants Smoothie". If you choose this smoothie, you can have a half serving as a snack OR a full serving as a meal. I had been on plan for almost 3 weeks before I actually got to try this smoothie. Two of the ingredients were hard to track down. One being flaxseed oil, which I found at our local health food store and the other being hemp nuts. My sister finally hunted down "hemp granola" at our local grocery store. I've yet to check it out myself. However, I did research a substitute. I found that walnuts were the closest with sunflower seeds and almonds following close behind. (I've been using walnuts in place of the hemp nuts) Again, this is one of my favorites. I usually have this or the "Fatigue-fighting protein blaster" for lunch.

"Smartypants Smoothie"

One banana
Quarter cup blueberries
Handful of hemp nuts
Half cup apple juice
One teaspoon flaxseed oil

1~2~3 BLEND!!!

According to the magazine, "antioxidants from the blueberries and the omega-3s from the hemp and flax are all proven to target ab flab!" I'M IN!!! I need to target ab flab!! And I will tell you, I can see a huge difference in my tummy area in just a few short weeks! They go on to say, "hemp supports brain health---blueberries are linked to improved memory." Guess that's how it got it's name! Any mom knows we could all use a little of these in our diet! Ha!

These smoothies and some of the ideas are taken from the August 2011 "Woman's World" magazine. I do not own the rights to them. I am only re-printing the smoothies and some of the ideas for educational purposes.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The staring game

You know how kids always stand and stare at people? Like the neighbors, for instance. Here's the scenario. The neighbors are outside swimming or playing (you pick) while your darling little ones stand at the edge of the yard eyeing them. Oh, that never happens to you? Maybe it's only my kids......

Finally, after living here a year, they tables were turned. Our little ones were the ones being eyed. (See! It's not just my kids!) While the little neighbor girl (NG) was standing at her fence staring. The girls went to the edge of the yard & started a conversation. It was pretty cute to watch.

Within a few minutes the NG's mom came out and RD comes running, full speed ahead, toward me. What do you think was coming? "MOM! Can she come over and play?!" Sure thing! I've been waiting for the girls to have a neighborly playmate for sometime. The sooner she comes over the better. This play-together-thing bets staring at each other any day, in my opinion!!

Of course, HC thought it a better idea to stand there and stare at the mom until I went to get her. UGH! I really didn't wanna go down there. I looked like a train wreck and could see the mom was still dressed, to the max, in her work attire. Did I mention that HC was in nothing but a diaper? I'm sure you assumed that anyway. I'm pretty sure she was wondering if letting her child play at our house was a good idea.

She asked if it was OK for her little one to play over here. I said, "not a problem, adding one child to the mix is nothing once you have three already." To which she replied, "yes but now she'll wanna come over everyday." AND I was thinking GREAT!! Maybe my girls will go to bed early every night!! Ha!

The neighbor girl (NG) turns out to be a year older than RD and she seems to be bossier. Who knew anyone could be bossier than RD?!?! I think RD told NG that she was "awesome" about 400 times and when we finally decided it was time to head in for bed, RD walked NG home. Well, to the edge of the yard. AND this is what I hear RD say: "Call me sometime!!"

Is that cute or what?! Funny too that NG ran into her house, grabbed a piece of paper and gave it to RD with her phone number on it. RD wanted to know if she could call her first thing this morning. I can't for the life of me figure out how that is gonna happen if RD can't even remember her name! I'm sure they'll see each other outside but hopefully this time they're past staring.    

Friday, August 26, 2011

AJB2Me Smoothie #1

I'll "feed" these to you one at a time..........

Up first is my favorite of the five!! The "Fatigue-Fighting Protein Blaster". There's not one thing I don't like about this smoothie, with the exception that it has soy milk in it. AND I'm sure you remember, I'm on the fence about soy. However, after talking to a nutritionist (in a round about way), I decided it would be OK in my diet. I still won't let the girls have it. OK, that was a bunch of blah blah blah.......on with the show!!

I don't know why, but I haven't taken a picture of this one. Oh well, a smoothie looks like a smoothie, right?

"Fatigue-Fighting Protein Blaster"

Half ripe banana
Quarter cup low-fat soy milk
 Half small can crushed pineapple
 Quarter cup pineapple sorbet
 Half tablespoon protein powder
Quarter cup strawberries

1~2~3 BLEND!!!

According to the magazine, soy is protein & protein "lays down the building blocks for metabolism-boosting muscle---helps you keep going all day long---steadies blood sugar & prevents afternoon crashes."

These smoothies and some of the ideas are taken from the August 2011 "Woman's World" magazine. I do not own the rights to them. I am only re-printing the smoothies and some of the ideas for educational purposes.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Typical Day

Here's a glimpse of a typical day for me on my "Live-it"........

Spray small skillet with cooking spray. Heat pan on high for 30 seconds or so. Add one third cup egg whites to pan. Lay 3-4 slices of zucchini OR yellow squash OR 4-5 strips of yellow peppers on one side of the whites. Top that with chopped onion. I use lots of onion (about quarter cup). I'm an onion freak. Then add quarter cup low fat shredded mozzarella cheese. Sea salt & pepper to taste. Reduce heat to low. Cover w/lid & cook till done.
Along with this omelet, I have one slice whole-wheat toast with spray butter & half cup fruit (strawberries or cantaloupe are my favorites). I also have a cup of coffee with fat free creamer & 1 packet sweetener (this is the only artificial sweetener I will have for the day otherwise I crave sweets!). VERY filling breakfast & great way to jump start my day. This takes about 5-8 minutes TOPS!!


Piece of fruit with string cheese OR palm full of almonds. I can also choose HALF of any one of the 5(or should I say 4? I didn't care for one) smoothie (from the magazine I picked up) OR a FULL serving of the "Get-Lean Green Smoothie".


I always choose one of the smoothies (again, from the magazine). When choosing one of these smoothies, as a meal, I can have a whole smoothie. I usually choose either the "Smartypants Smoothie", "Fatigue-Fighting Protein Blaster" OR "Get-Glowing Smoothie" for lunch. However, if I choose the "Get-Lean Green Smoothie", it recommends eating it with one piece string cheese AND 5 whole-grain crackers.

"Get-Glowing Smoothie"
"Smartypants Smoothie"


Again, I have a choice of one of the snacks listed above OR I also like having two tablespoons of hummus with veggies (carrots are my favorite). The hummus and veggie really help me power through till dinner time!!


I'll usually choose to eat a smaller portion of whatever I fixed for the family. Whether it's tacos, spaghetti, etc. I eat it (if I really want it!!!) I can also choose to have another smoothie (which I did 3 times last week). Again, following the rules stated above in "Lunch". I tend to have the "Get-Lean Green Smoothie" with dinner since I can have the piece of cheese & crackers as well. That makes it feel like I'm eating a "meal" with the family!!! I've also done some of the other suggestions from the magazine. Such as, three ounces of a lean protein, one cup veggies sauteed in half tablespoon olive oil and half cup brown rice or whole-grain pasta. 

"Get-Lean Green Smoothie"

And again, another snack!!!!

Each smoothie takes me less than 5 minutes to whip up. EASY as 1-2-3 blend!! If I can do it (with 3 small kids running around), YOU can do it!!! 

Hungry for those smoothies?? Recipes to follow.......

These smoothies and some of the ideas are taken from the August 2011 "Woman's World" magazine. I do not own the rights to them. I am only re-printing the smoothies and some of the ideas for educational purposes.

Monday, August 22, 2011

AJB2Me Weight Loss Record

Welcome to my Weekly Weight Loss Record. A way for me to track my progress & share my efforts with you!! Today is your first view of my WWLR, however, I waited 4 weeks to share my results, allowing myself "private" time. This posting was created as part of my "A Journey Back to Me" post.

Date 7/24/2011, a Sunday (Start Day)
  • I had my yearly visit with my endocrinologist on 7/12/2011. I had gained 16# since my last visit. Not good. I left feeling very depressed but feeling motivated. What a wake up call.
  • 197.6# taken @ 9:51 AM
  • My overall mental state: Anxious & Nervous, yet Excited!
  • My overall (self-diagnosed) physical state: Poor
  • My ideal weight: Undetermined (doctor chart recommends between 117-145#)
  • My goal: To live an overall healthier lifestyle, free of any and all regrets
Without further ado, I present to you, with much regret (I cringe at the site of these pictures), my before shots. Taken by yours truly.

You're really going to have to ignore the mess. It's the girls' playroom after all....
Oh and don't forget the lovely photo quality. It is what it is....

At least this pic has a cute factor, thanks to RD!
See that 5mo pregnant looking belly I have? ugh!! be gone!

Today is 7/29/2011, a Friday, Day 6.

I didn't get started on any good eating regimen the first two days & I half-hearted it again on the third day. By the 4th day I was in full swing of things & feeling really good about it. I'm trying a new program. I guess I'll call it that?

While standing in line at the grocery store, the day after I started this post, I spotted an advertisement on the front of a magazine. "Dr. Oz shakes off the weight!" It also said, "Lose 9 lbs a week". I didn't pick it up because of the 9 lbs a week thing. No, that is too good to be true. Any sane person knows that. But I did pick it up because I love smoothies. Mix that with the fact it was a magazine & well you get: Smoothie + Magazine = LOVE.

I have to say, so far so good. Loving the "plan". Feeling full & energized. Seeing results. All that makes this "Hot Mom" happy!!!

Date 7/31/2011, a Sunday (the end of week 1)
  • 194.2# taken @ 5:30 AM (down 3.4#)
  • I'm still feeling really good, satisfied & excited w/my plans
  • I've yet to start any type of exercise plan
Today is 8/4/2011, a Thursday

Yesterday was a rough day for me. I found myself wanting to eat junk. Maybe it's stress, boredom, or both? I do not know. Today I weighed, something I said I would not do except on weigh day, & was slightly disappointed to see I'd gained a pound. Weighing daily is something I need to overcome. I find that it makes me dwell too much on the task at hand. Dwelling makes me wanna give up. I've also noticed if I increase my intake of "sugar free" drinks or artificial sweetener, I end up craving more sweets. Hmmmm? Time to really get them out of my life once & for all?......Moving on. Here's to a better week!! :)

Date 8/7/2011, a Sunday (the end of week 2)

  • 194.0 taken @ 6:15 AM (down .2# that's POINT 2 ugh; 3.6# total)
  • Feeling really bummed
If I'm being really honest w/myself, this week was a total fail on my part. I felt hungry & gave in to a lot of temptations. I guess I should actually be saying YAHOO, I DIDN'T GAIN. But no, I'm felling frustrated instead. I had a stressful week & I know I'm an emotional eater, so I need to find a different way to channel my stress. I also need to NOT skip my snacks which will help me stay in control & fell less hungry. New day. Goal for the week: Hit 190#, can it be done??

Date 8/14/2011, a Sunday (the end of week 3)

  • 192.6# taken @ 6:30 AM (down 1.4#, 5# total)
  • I'm feeling slightly frustrated w/the rate the weight is coming off 
CONFESSION: I was feeling so let down by the scale that I swore it was broken. I went & picked a new one up midweek. The trusty new scale said I was down 3# more than lying old scale. But I decided to wait till the morning to get a better idea how to gauge my loss. I reweigh in morning. Both scales are exactly the same. They must have gotten together during the night. I weigh again in the middle of the afternoon. Lying new scale says I'm 1# heavier than the trusty old scale. (did you note the switch?) Hmpf. Yep, they got together. Trusty old scale didn't wanna lose his job because he's been weighing me lower then the waste-of-money new scale ever since.

I guess the scale is just a number. At least that's what I'm telling myself. I feel more energetic. I can see & feel a difference in my clothing. My hubby has complimented me. He makes it sound like I'm 100# lighter. Gotta love him for that. I didn't eat 100% to plan all week. But I've decided to do a "Live-it", as my sister would call it, instead of the dreaded diet. I went off plan twice. Once for the not-so-yummy McD (girls' choice) & once for homemade tacos. So with that said, I'm thankful for a 1.4# loss.....didn't hit 190# but that's this weeks goal, along with more water intake & less scale checks.

Today is 8/20/2011, a Saturday

The final countdown (are you singing now?)...........tomorrow is weigh day & the end of my 4 week posting "hold". I'm feeling good about this week. I chose a major "Live-it" attitude this week. Here's what I'm proud of:
  1. I chose to have a smore & margarita (do these go together?) @ a bonfire/family get together earlier in the week (totally Livin-it). To make up for that, I had 2 smoothies a day for 2 days, instead of 2 meals & a smoothie. Believe me that was tough!! Especially the night I made chili dogs for everyone but me!
  2. I got in a 2 mile walk this week (Thank you, hubby). While 2 miles may not sound like much, it's a lot for me. I've been very sedentary for far too long. Gotta start somewhere.
  3. I went out for dinner with family last night. We went Mexican!! I chose NOT to eat the complimentary chips & dip. I chose a dish I love & chose NOT to eat every last bite. AND @ my sister's house after, I chose to forgo cake & ice cream, but I did enjoy a Kit Kat snack size bar instead. (total Live-it again!!)
HOWEVER, only time will tell if my (somewhat) smarter choices paid off. Bring on tomorrow!!

Date 8/21/2011, a Sunday (end of week 4)

  • 190.8# taken @ 7:15 AM (down 1.8#, 6.8# total)
  • I am on cloud 9 right now!!!
Looks like it paid off! Yahoo!! Did I mention anywhere that the 5 month preggo looking belly is starting to shrink?? Oh yeah!!! I attribute that to the "ab flab targeting" smoothies!!! I didn't quite make my goal of 190# but I know I will next week for sure & I still have a big ole cheese on my face!! This was a super fantastic week for me. LIVE-IT!!!!!!!!! 

Today is 8/22/2011, a Monday

I decided last minute to have my hubby snap a few pics of me. I'm thinking of doing this every 4 weeks. I can't really tell a difference in these photos, but maybe looking back they'll inspire me. What do you think? Every 4 weeks too often?

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Lil Miss Smarty Pants

Conversation between my darling 4 year old, RD, and myself...............

Me: What would you like for dinner?
RD: Nothing!! I just want gum.
Me: Too bad. If you don't eat, you can't have any more gum.
RD: *lots of whining*
Me: Would you like rice?
RD: No! I just want gum.
Me: OK, well, you need to eat something.
RD: *lots more whining*
Me: How about some french fries or tator tots?
RD: What are tator tots?
Me: WHAT?! You know what they are. You've eaten a lot of them.
RD: No. I don't know what they are!!!
Me: It's like a french fry but round.

Hubby chimes in: Like a cylinder (uh yeah I don't think she's learned that shape but thanks for the help)

Me: It's like this big around & about this long (showing her w/my hands)
RD: No Comprendo (with a confused look on her face)

SAY WHAT?!!! Did she just say that to me?? Girl's a lil too smart for her age!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Rockin the owl

As most of you know, my girls are never dressed. Yep, undies & diaper all the way here. This perpetual nakedness runs the hubby up the wall. We're guaranteed to hear, "where are your clothes", when he walks in the door. Actually, come to think of it, I haven't heard him say for awhile. He must have digressed.

Gala actually wanted PJ's on last night. I found an owl top while digging through the jammie drawer. Gala didn't want it, but RD did. After all, it was hers many moons ago. I decided what the hey, we'll slip it on, she'll see it doesn't fit & wanna take it off.

Here it is 11:20 the next day and RD is still rocking the owl top. Did I fail to mention it's a 2T & she wears a 6? Yeah. The sleeve hits just below the elbow & the bottom hem falls about 4 inches above, I'll say it again, above her navel. She thinks it fits perfect!!! Hmmmm, this post might just be worthless without a picture.

OK, fine, I snapped one for you.......

I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have to beg to get this off of her but we are NOT wearing this out to eat tonight!! It's a dang good thing she's got 3 new owl tops coming or I'm sure she'd have asked to wear it to school too!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

I don't wanna change!

There are always little set backs in life, right? So, why do I feel so let down & heart broken? A few days back my hubby happened to notice an ad, in our local paper, looking for a preschool teacher. Not just any preschool teacher, but one for our daughter's preschool. We were both confused. Our wonderful teacher has been there for 20+ years. Surely it wasn't her position they were seeking to fill? Maybe they were planning to open a 2nd classroom? Yes, that's all it was.....

Jump to this AM. Phone rings. It's a recorded message from the principal saying we would have a new preschool teacher this year, our program would remain to be strong, times & dates of class would not change, parent orientation was to held on the same day, & more information would follow. I hang up. I'm floored. What just happened?

The message is also left on my cell. I listen to it again, as if it's going to enlighten me further than the first time around. Oh man, this is going to be so hard to tell my kiddo. Almost like telling her there's no Santa Claus. I just wanna lay down & kick my arms & legs while screaming noooooooo! Maybe I should pull it together for her........

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Preschool Teenager

I don't know about you guys, but...................... I. Can. Not. Wait. For. School. To. Start.

Ahhhh, I feel better just letting that secret slip. Have I mentioned anywhere lately that I am about to lose my freaking mind? Something to do with a feisty 4 year old? I'm pretty sure "her attitude" is going to shine on the first few days weeks months of school. I'm thinking she might even be sent home and asked never to return. However, the recent grief she has given me may not (I say may not, because I haven't made up my mind yet) compare to the anguish my poor hubby felt yesterday.

While picking up one of her school supplies, we passed an end cap of brightly colored bras and panties. RD asked me if I was going to get them.

Um, no.
Why? Are they for little girls?
Uh, yeah, bigger little girls.
Oh. Well they're really pretty.
Yes, they sure are. Really nice pretty colors. Come on.

Even though we moved, we weren't out of the clear. We had to walk back by said end cap to leave and that's when she says, "can I get them?" I giggled then said, "No honey, you don't have boobies yet so you really wouldn't have a need for them."

And this is when my hubby almost fell over. I don't remember his exact words but it was along the lines of, being 4 going on 15 and not being ready for any of this. Good lord. What's he gonna be like when the time really does come? Heaven help us all.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

"The Hot Mom's Handbook" Review

For me, the beginning of the book seems chalk full of nothing more than common sense. However, after giving it a chance, I found myself really relating to the other women, mothers like yours truly. In my opinion, one of the best things about this book was this overall feeling of unity. Though I have never met a single mom in here, I knew they had dealt with and conquered one of the biggest issues we moms face. Guilt. Guilt will suck the "real" women, you are, right out of you.

Toward the middle of the book, I was feeling rather bored. I was actually forcing myself to read. It was jam packed with websites to check out, which would be great IF I had the dough to spend on any of these fancy little sites. I do have to hand it to her though, she included a "Baby on a Budget" section for almost every topic she covered. However, toward the end of all the suggestions, I felt less connected to the women in the book. A complete turn around from the feeling, of unity, I had in the beginning.

I could not bring myself to finish this book. I made it through 3/4's of the way. I'm sure my lack of interest in these types of books had a lot to do with. So was it worth the read? For me, YES & NO. Let me explain. Yes, due to the advice: "let go of the guilt". That made me snap out of the rut I'd put myself in. I also gained a few helpful (& cheap) skin/beauty care tips. No, due to my feeling this book was geared toward a much "richer" audience than I.

What I did love......

The "in your face" way Jessica, plain & simply, said "Hot Mom loves herself and her family but doesn't get consumed by the madness of motherhood."
We've all been there, right? I have. I've been in the "madness" for 3 years. I still had a sense of self when RD was born but was "consumed" during my pregnancy with Gala and I've never gotten it back.

This little insight: "Carl Jung believed our lives need meaning and purpose. He felt that if we don't have meaning and purpose, we acquire bad habits in order to create drama and excitement. Jung called these patterns "low-level spiritual quests."
Oh boy! What a smack in the face?! I can see that in myself, as well as, those around me. This was, for me, just another reminder I need to get to the business of finding my purpose.

And a quote: "Ultimately, children learn by example. They do what they see." -Lauren Holly
Two little sentences. So simple, right? I've heard this before, but why did these words strike me now? Easy. All the sudden, as if it hit me upside the head, I realized the less I take care of me, value me, the less the girls will value themselves. And I will not be the reason they feel less than worthy or beautiful.....

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


While my hubby & I were doing dishes last night, HC was really having a blast with a large rubber band she found laying on the ground. I'm sure it got there by means of two older sisters. She was putting it in & out of drawers, hiding it under her blanket, & "talking" to it as if it were real. I've never seen her play with any toy with that kind of enthusiasm.

This got my hubby & I wondering what exactly it is about things kids aren't supposed to have? Why are they so much more interesting & exciting? Then we started reminiscing about the cute little "Elmo TV Remote" we bought for RD when she was almost a year old. We had been convinced she'd love it & leave the real TV remotes alone. We even acted like she wasn't allowed to touch it. We thought we were wise but, she was on to us. Seriously, what's the deal?
Some of the best toys are ones that cost next to nothing.....

Old RX bottles filled w/rice
Pots, pans & utensils
Tupperware & lids
Cookie cutters
Left over Christmas cards, thank you notes, etc.
AND I really hate to say this one: a certain fast food restaurant's toys....YES, this one earns the most played with toy award.....