Welcome to my Weekly Weight Loss Record. A way for me to track my progress & share my efforts with you!! Today is your first view of my WWLR, however, I waited 4 weeks to share my results, allowing myself "private" time. This posting was created as part of my
"A Journey Back to Me" post.
Date 7/24/2011, a Sunday (Start Day)
- I had my yearly visit with my endocrinologist on 7/12/2011. I had gained 16# since my last visit. Not good. I left feeling very depressed but feeling motivated. What a wake up call.
- 197.6# taken @ 9:51 AM
- My overall mental state: Anxious & Nervous, yet Excited!
- My overall (self-diagnosed) physical state: Poor
- My ideal weight: Undetermined (doctor chart recommends between 117-145#)
- My goal: To live an overall healthier lifestyle, free of any and all regrets
Without further ado, I present to you, with much regret (I cringe at the site of these pictures), my before shots. Taken by yours truly.
You're really going to have to ignore the mess. It's the girls' playroom after all....
Oh and don't forget the lovely photo quality. It is what it is.... |
At least this pic has a cute factor, thanks to RD!
See that 5mo pregnant looking belly I have? ugh!! be gone! |
Today is 7/29/2011, a Friday, Day 6.
I didn't get started on any good eating regimen the first two days & I half-hearted it again on the third day. By the 4th day I was in full swing of things & feeling really good about it. I'm trying a new program. I guess I'll call it that?
While standing in line at the grocery store, the day after I started this post, I spotted an advertisement on the front of a magazine. "Dr. Oz shakes off the weight!" It also said, "Lose 9 lbs a week". I didn't pick it up because of the 9 lbs a week thing. No,
that is too good to be true. Any sane person knows that. But I did pick it up because I love smoothies. Mix that with the fact it was a magazine & well you get: Smoothie + Magazine = LOVE.
I have to say, so far so good. Loving the "plan". Feeling full & energized. Seeing results. All that makes this "Hot Mom" happy!!!
Date 7/31/2011, a Sunday (the end of week 1)
- 194.2# taken @ 5:30 AM (down 3.4#)
- I'm still feeling really good, satisfied & excited w/my plans
- I've yet to start any type of exercise plan
Today is 8/4/2011, a Thursday
Yesterday was a rough day for me. I found myself wanting to eat junk. Maybe it's stress, boredom, or both? I do not know. Today I weighed, something I said I would not do except on weigh day, & was slightly disappointed to see I'd gained a pound. Weighing daily is something I need to overcome. I find that it makes me dwell too much on the task at hand. Dwelling makes me wanna give up. I've also noticed if I increase my intake of "sugar free" drinks or artificial sweetener, I end up craving more sweets. Hmmmm? Time to really get them out of my life once & for all?......Moving on. Here's to a better week!! :)
Date 8/7/2011, a Sunday (the end of week 2)
If I'm being really honest w/myself, this week was a total fail on my part. I felt hungry & gave in to a lot of temptations. I guess I should actually be saying YAHOO, I DIDN'T GAIN. But no, I'm felling frustrated instead. I had a stressful week & I know I'm an emotional eater, so I need to find a different way to channel my stress. I also need to NOT skip my snacks which will help me stay in control & fell less hungry. New day. Goal for the week: Hit 190#, can it be done??
Date 8/14/2011, a Sunday (the end of week 3)
192.6# taken @ 6:30 AM (down 1.4#, 5# total)
I'm feeling slightly frustrated w/the rate the weight is coming off
CONFESSION: I was feeling so let down by the scale that I swore it was broken. I went & picked a new one up midweek. The trusty
new scale said I was down 3# more than lying
old scale. But I decided to wait till the morning to get a better idea how to gauge my loss. I reweigh in morning. Both scales are exactly the same. They must have gotten together during the night. I weigh again in the middle of the afternoon. Lying
new scale says I'm 1# heavier than the trusty
old scale. (did you note the switch?) Hmpf. Yep, they got together. Trusty old scale didn't wanna lose his job because he's been weighing me lower then the waste-of-money new scale ever since.
I guess the scale is just a number. At least that's what I'm telling myself. I feel more energetic. I can see & feel a difference in my clothing. My hubby has complimented me. He makes it sound like I'm 100# lighter. Gotta love him for that. I didn't eat 100% to plan all week. But I've decided to do a "Live-it", as my sister would call it, instead of the dreaded diet. I went off plan twice. Once for the not-so-yummy McD (girls' choice) & once for homemade tacos. So with that said, I'm thankful for a 1.4# loss.....didn't hit 190# but that's this weeks goal, along with more water intake & less scale checks.
Today is 8/20/2011, a Saturday
The final countdown (are you singing now?)...........tomorrow is weigh day & the end of my 4 week posting "hold". I'm feeling good about this week. I chose a major "Live-it" attitude this week. Here's what I'm proud of:
- I chose to have a smore & margarita (do these go together?) @ a bonfire/family get together earlier in the week (totally Livin-it). To make up for that, I had 2 smoothies a day for 2 days, instead of 2 meals & a smoothie. Believe me that was tough!! Especially the night I made chili dogs for everyone but me!
- I got in a 2 mile walk this week (Thank you, hubby). While 2 miles may not sound like much, it's a lot for me. I've been very sedentary for far too long. Gotta start somewhere.
- I went out for dinner with family last night. We went Mexican!! I chose NOT to eat the complimentary chips & dip. I chose a dish I love & chose NOT to eat every last bite. AND @ my sister's house after, I chose to forgo cake & ice cream, but I did enjoy a Kit Kat snack size bar instead. (total Live-it again!!)
HOWEVER, only time will tell if my (somewhat) smarter choices paid off. Bring on tomorrow!!
Date 8/21/2011, a Sunday (end of week 4)
Looks like it paid off! Yahoo!! Did I mention anywhere that the 5 month preggo looking belly is starting to shrink?? Oh yeah!!! I attribute that to the "ab flab targeting" smoothies!!! I didn't quite make my goal of 190# but I know I will next week for sure & I still have a big ole cheese on my face!! This was a super fantastic week for me. LIVE-IT!!!!!!!!!
Today is 8/22/2011, a Monday
I decided last minute to have my hubby snap a few pics of me. I'm thinking of doing this every 4 weeks. I can't really tell a difference in these photos, but maybe looking back they'll inspire me. What do you think? Every 4 weeks too often?