Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Preschool Teenager

I don't know about you guys, but...................... I. Can. Not. Wait. For. School. To. Start.

Ahhhh, I feel better just letting that secret slip. Have I mentioned anywhere lately that I am about to lose my freaking mind? Something to do with a feisty 4 year old? I'm pretty sure "her attitude" is going to shine on the first few days weeks months of school. I'm thinking she might even be sent home and asked never to return. However, the recent grief she has given me may not (I say may not, because I haven't made up my mind yet) compare to the anguish my poor hubby felt yesterday.

While picking up one of her school supplies, we passed an end cap of brightly colored bras and panties. RD asked me if I was going to get them.

Um, no.
Why? Are they for little girls?
Uh, yeah, bigger little girls.
Oh. Well they're really pretty.
Yes, they sure are. Really nice pretty colors. Come on.

Even though we moved, we weren't out of the clear. We had to walk back by said end cap to leave and that's when she says, "can I get them?" I giggled then said, "No honey, you don't have boobies yet so you really wouldn't have a need for them."

And this is when my hubby almost fell over. I don't remember his exact words but it was along the lines of, being 4 going on 15 and not being ready for any of this. Good lord. What's he gonna be like when the time really does come? Heaven help us all.

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