I am a huge fan of magazines. Between my hubby & I we are subscribed to 4. He also picks another one up, from the store, every month. I'm not quite sure why he hasn't subscribed yet, it is his favorite. Plus we have our oldest subscribed to one & just renewed it for another 3 years so all 3 girls will get to enjoy it.
One of mine is
Family Fun. This magazine is jam packed with craft, party, food & game ideas for the whole family. While some of the ideas are too "advanced" for my girls, just yet, I LOVE this magazine. My first year's subscription was a gift, to me & RD, from an ex-coworker of mine. Since I loved it so much, I redeemed some of my
Disney Movie Rewards to renew my subscription. Suhweeet! I love feeling like I got something "extra" for buying products. If you don't collect Disney's rewards, you can still save a bundle. Order from online sites, IE:
Magazines.com There are several sites like this & they all offer a certain percentage off of the cover price of any magazine. These site's prices are usually way cheaper than sending in the insert found within the magazine itself. Cha ching!!
We tried out a few cute card ideas from last month's issue of
Family Fun. The girls really enjoyed themselves & so did I! Our recipients of the cards have yet to enjoy them. Why? The cards are still sitting on the kitchen counter. Bad Mommy!!
And yesterday we tried another fun idea from this month's issue. I had hoped that we could replicate the idea to the max but, it didn't work out that way. While our oldest follows direction well (OK, for the most part), our middle does not. The game consisted of 2 players, facing each other, with a balloon attached to a pole in between them. The object of the game was for each player to get the balloon wrapped around the pole first, using only a spray bottle, filled with water. Here's how our girls played......
RD, playing alone |
HC looking rather pale, blinding even & Gala running. She does not want to be sprayed!! |
HC enjoying a drink.... |
Gala getting in a few shots before RD comes back. |
Done with the balloon & off to water the plants. |
more plant watering....
So it didn't turn out like planned but, doesn't it still sound like fun on a hot summer day? You bet! Oh & cheap. I forgot to throw in cheap!!
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