Sunday, November 7, 2010

Challenge me, please?

There are so many hot & controversial topics in the world. Religion, politics, abortion, euthanasia, birth control, obesity, government sponsored programs & smoking, to name a few. Every human being in the world sees things through different eyes. No two people are exactly the same. Yes, two people may be pro choice yet still have different views as to why they are. Every person is different based on their upbringing, education, faith, surroundings, social standing, etc. Most important, God has given humans freewill.

A friend brought up a hot button topic & immediately someone lashed out. Obviously, more often than not, someone will take offense on these topics. What causes others to lash out? Is it because we are on the opposing side & have a need for everyone to feel the same way? Maybe they feel the speaker is directing the statement toward them. Why is it so hard for everyone to just accept one another for who they are? Wars are started over such topics. What would the world be like if everyone loved everyone for who they are? Flaws, opinions, quirks & all.

I'm sure you've heard the rule it's better to never discuss them. So what's right? Should we discuss them? I feel we should. I never want to pretend to be so highly educated that I have no room for growth. I personally like these topics because I can benefit to hear everyone's side. It opens up my eyes to a broader spectrum of possibilities or new ways of thinking. So while I may not agree with you 100%, I thank you for taking the time out to tell me why you feel the way you do.

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