Thursday, September 15, 2011

Certified Suck-up

Here we are 2 weeks into school already! Remember me saying, just yesterday, how I couldn't wait to get RD back to school? Yeah, so it wasn't yesterday, but it sure feels like it!

I stupidly thought I was going to have tons of time to get a few things done once school started, but in reality, it's been more hectic. I'm sure once we get back into the swing of things I'll get something done. That is, if I can stay away from the computer!! (see how I beat you to the punch, Darling Hubby?)

Today, I wanted to share a few of our back to school highlights:

First day of school was a short 15 minute meet and greet. I forgot my purse in the car so I had to run back out. RD's teacher was letting everyone in when I got back so I missed this but DH shared it with me. RD told her new teacher how pretty she was!! How sweet is that? She loves blonde hair and even imagined her new teacher with blonde hair so she was excited to finally meet her.

Day two was the first full day of class. All the parents wait in the hallway until the classroom door is opened. Here we are, all parents and their wee little ones waiting patiently, when RD's friend from last year arrives. RD is so excited to see her and quickly tells her that they have a new teacher, to which her friend replies, "yep, I know." I'm pretty sure RD felt discouraged that she didn't have some sort of new and awesome news to share with her friend so she decided to belt out, "She's A LOT younger than my mom!!" Yes, of course all the parents in the hall started laughing, myself included. However, from this moment on, I'm pretty sure RD is a suck-up and I'm pretty sure she's sucking-up to the wrong person! Don't you think she should be sugar coating me?!?!?!!

On the serious side, kids say the darndest things and we are really pleased with our new teacher. It's going to be a fun year for sure!

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