Saturday, October 29, 2011

Flower Headband Tutorial

Here's a fun & easy headband tutorial. I made these up for the girls' fall photos. Enjoy!!

Things you'll need:
Hot glue gun
Cheap fake flower bouquet
Alligator clips
Different style hairbands (elastic & cloth)

Start out by cutting a piece of felt into a circle. I used the bottom of a small cup for my template.

Pull one flower off the bouquet & disassemble it.

Here's the flower all disassembled.

Next, start hot gluing the flower back together, starting from biggest to smallest.

Flower all glued.

Now you'll dab a small amount of glue onto the piece of felt & attach your flower.

At this point, you can add your flower to anything you'd like. Like a cloth headband.

Or an alligator clip.

Or a basic headband. If you choose this style, cut a 2nd piece of felt & glue it over the headband. This gives it a more finished look.

And lastly, an elastic headband. Again, make sure to complete the look w/a 2nd piece of felt.

I also did a two flower headband. For this, I cut a rectangle piece of felt.

Made 2 flowers.

Glued them to the felt & added an elastic band. DON'T forget your 2nd piece of felt, like I did here!! See how unfinished that looks?!?!

Here's a bonus, the girls sporting their bows :)